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Discover Sunday Beauty 62, the Ultimate Gift for Scent and Sound Lovers

Liberty's famed beauty advent calendar may have now sold out, but this scented selection has just arrived in its place. The ultimate gift for any fragrance fan, it contains 17 of the beauty hall's most acclaimed olfactory blends, together worth over 600. Highlights include Byredo's cosy Bal D'Afrique, Diptyque's solid Philosykos compact, and Sana Jardin's verdant new Venus of Verbena.

So, what's in store for those lucky enough to snag one? The collection is a stellar mix of iconic classics and buzzy new products, with a particular focus on expert skincare and calming body treatments. Alongside the doctor-backed heavyweights, you'll discover Francisco Costa's new beauty line, Costa Brazil, and Gucci Westman's celebrated make-up brand, Westman Atelier.

Sunday Beauty 62

Dr. Barbara Sturm returns with another brilliant beauty calendar this year. With 24 products in deluxe and miniature sizes, it's a great way to explore the aesthetic doctor's A-list approved line, from the brightening Enzyme Cleanser to the inimitable Hyaluronic Serum.

Not just a destination for decadent foodie collections, Fortnum & Mason also offers a stellar beauty calendar. Worth a total of 844, it contains treats centered around bath and bodycare, with highlights coming from Aromatherapy Associates and Bramley.

Worth over 755, this is ELLE's biggest and best beauty calendar to date. Alongside a year's print subscription, you'll receive iconic products from the likes of 111 Skin, Dr. Barbara Sturm, Necessaire and Eve Lom. Our highlight? It has to be the No.1 Serum from buzzy US import, Mutha.

John Lewis' beauty calendar is the perfect pick for anyone looking to spend a few festive evenings pampering at home. Aromatherapy Associates' famous essential-oil blend will turn your bathroom into a spa (especially when teamed with the Neom candle), while cult skincare heroes from Sunday Riley and Augustinus Bader will keep you glowing until New Year's Eve.

This year, Space NK's beauty calendar is packed with products both classic and new. The edit contains twice the number of full-size products than the year before, taking the total value to an astonishing 770.

Liberty's beauty advent calendar is set to remain the one every beauty enthusiast clamours for this Christmas. 2022's offering is bigger than ever, with 20 full-size products alongside 5 travel sizes hiding in the iconic floral-print boxes. Expect luxe favourites such as Dr. Sebagh and Dr. Barbara Sturm alongside new and niche inclusions. Keep an eye out for Rosie Huntington-Whiteley's eponymous make-up line, too.

A brilliant value option, Next's beauty advent calendar contains a mix of much-loved skin, body and hair products. Expect the likes of L'occitane, Emma Hardie, and spa favourite Espa. Worth over 309, it's a great value option.

Cohorted has made a name for itself as the most prestige beauty subscription box, and this year they're offering a stellar 12-product advent calendar to help see you through the party season. Worth over 400, it contains a host of luxe brands, from Irene Forte to buzzy new science-backed line, Réduit.

Marks and Spencers' beauty calendar is always pleasingly priced, and this year's offering costs just 40 when you spend 30 either online or in store. (Our suggestion? Tick all your wrapping paper and Christmas cards off the shopping list.)

This sweet advent calendar is the perfect gift for younger beauty fans. It's filled with bestsellers from Millie Bobby Brown's teen-focused beauty line, spanning gentle everyday skincare products and a few fun festive make-up treats.

Upon entering the Studio, your senses are immediately pleased - from a Boutique full of the most up-to-date beauty products, organic hair & skin care, a unique mix of clothing and accessories, to a full Salon & intimate Spa, Euphoria offers something for everyone.

low SheDeeiby V. VALUDOUWearing a Mask She Passed as a YoungGirl, Admired and Spught After by All theMen, Envied by All the Women. The Secretof Her Beautiful Natural Complexion andYouthful Firmness of Face and Neck SheTells In Her Letter.Society was startled recently by the prank of a wellknown matron with two grown daughters.A renowned beauty in her day, she was resolved toprove, on the occasion of the annual Beaux Arts Ball,that she was still beautiful-and als young as she wasbeautiful.She knew she was. Her own mirror told her what continuous and proper care of her beauty had achieved.But people had too long associated her with herdaughters. She was looked upon as a matron.So she decided upon a small domino mask for this ball,that would conceal her eyes and her identity, but not herflawless skin, her blooming natural complexion, and thefirm contour of her face and neck.She went to the ball at the Astor on February 16th-masked. Introduced -under an assumed name at thisclassic event of New York fashionables, no one knew whoshe was, only what She was-young and radiant andbeautiful. She was a sensation. The young dancing mencrowded round her.When the revealed herself at the end, everyone-ineluding her jealous daughters-wondered how she hadbeen able to do it. She advised them to care for theircomplexions as she had done. Read het letter.Do not try to cover a complexion PULSING, TINGLINGyou are not proud of. Maxe-up SENSATIONnever looks natural on a poor skin. The sensation of a real Mineralava'It will not build your muscles and Treatment is unlie anything youtissues. Powders, creams, coeteics have ever experienced. The-pulsingall have their use, but no onE claims and tingling of your blood growthey help Nature function. stronger and stronger. You feelIf your skin has lost its firmness your circulation quicken. You knowand freshness, if you want these you are freeing the pores of theirqualities preserved, Help Nature accumulations and stirring the wholeWith Mineralava. facinto life and bloom.HOW %,IIERAAVA ELI-) .Daintily applied to face and neckOW MINERALAVA HELPS with a brush without touch of hands...AT'RE F'NC:T!ON -the clay dries into a fragrant.The MINERALAVA Treatment mouldingmask within the space of(Minralvs eaut Cly -old 12 minutes. Immediately, after the(Mineralavae Clay i old mask is washed away with invigoratWater-Face Finish is famous ing Cold Water-you see the result offashionable beauty shops because it restored circulation, in a natural coloralone Helps Nature Function by -which lingers for hours. Youraccelerating the flow of fresh, common sense tells you how concleansing, vitaliztng blood through tinuance of this treatment helpsthe muscles and tissues of the face. Nature restore or preserve BeautyBlood is Nature's way of giving MNRLV AEFNSLife-feeding tissues. cleansing theskin, building the muscles full and. Awy pl ieaaaFcfirm. resisting wrinkles-the one sur Fnshe eesaysinfo nway to a Natural BeautytoiatnasapretbefrBlood circulation, Nature's secretndt e sd ostnlof Beauty, is yours instantly with MneavaButClyMineralava . Simple as this stoaatDarmnorrutreatment see n as you try it- Soe o iealv euyCaremem ber, it samulates bloq ac- adMielv FcFnih Tetion and really beautifies onl be- is ramn lt o elwacause of the special formula which Ntr a ofryu fyucnhas baffled imitators Unlike imita- tnetieawe ihte1 rations, it contains ingredients which metthtoebtlofMeaavmake it immensely effective-and at. BeuyCacotisouwlsethe same time harmless to the moat nw rsn 5 o ra ueodelicate akin, as proven'in exclusive Cly Sot'PrprinIc.Thersensatintof a reauMineravavNauesW y Treaety nirayhn o* stronger and'stronger. You.feel4e {#t.'. 4H . E TE''s ypcue fyuwswihu ynm. aqeae atths ato roe o yslfan t m dugtes-ha I4 stl okd syuhu asthe oungr st. A thity-iine mycompexio isblooing nd y cotouAr. rikls ae ee rsite o rmakal derebyteArns of"myRs.Nvr fcuse aeInasgdm 'a4.ndnek fo , eewishd t tak th ris of.sagingmusles nd Raby sin hat nskllomasae uel bms.I ndtatth inraav retmn is, in ,eNatue'sWayto Baut, hvin use itformanyyeas. us theBeaty lavan bettr.'' >- JE.,s. PAT..OFA-R S VV A D*O3NEWYORDistributoeBallNat ion-Wide Endorsementby the Experts of the BiggestDepartment Stores in theWorld.NEW YORKAbraham'& Straus, le.B. Altman-& Co.Bloomingdale Bros.Franklin Simon & Co.Gimbel Bros.Frederick Loeser & Co.Lord & TaylorR. H. Macy & Co.James McCreary & Co.Sake & Co.Stern BrothersJohn WanamaerL Worthohner & Dr.BOSTONWalism Fon1s ; SonsCilchrist & Co.Gilan Bros.Houghton & Dutton Co.C. F. Hovey & Co.Jordan Marsk Co.hMN rwelCH.CAGOBoston StoreCaresn Pire Scott & Co.The FairMandel Bros.Marshall Field & Co.Rothschild & Co.Chas. A. Stevens & Bros.WASHINGTONColdenberg Bros.S. Kann Sons & Co.Laneburgh & Bro.Palas RoyalWoodward & Latkrop\ SAN FRANCISCOThe EmpiinumHale Bros., In.Raphael Wel & Co.White 140o0LOS ANCELESN. B. BlackstoneBullock's Dept. StateCoulter Dry Goods Co.Fifth Street StoreJ. M. HaleA. Hamburger & SonsLos Angeles B'way Dept. StoreSEATTLEBen March.McDougal & SouthwickMoer & FrankSeattle Dry Goed Ce,ATLANTAChamberlin, Johnson & Du BoseE. H. Cone & Co.J. M. High & Co.A. R. MunnM. Rich & Bros.MILWAUKEEBoston StoreT. A. Chapman & Co.Espenhain Dry Coods Co.Gimbel Bros.Hersfeld Phillipson Co.ST. LOUISFamous & BarrGrand LoaderB. Nugent & Br.Scrugge, Vandervoort & BarneyAll J.4cY D YRUG2STOR .:lnBuack & RaynorDowd Drug C.Economical Drug Co.Jacobs Bros.L. K. Liggoet Co.National Drug Stores, Ins.Owl Drug Co.Poople's Drug StoreSun Drug Co.T his Famous Fashionable.Treatment Now in Bottlesfor Use at Home.At DEPARTMENT andDRUG STORES.Men-Ask Your Barber--your safejuard againstwrinkles, sagging muscles,complexion blemishes. 2ff7e9595c

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